Monday, December 17, 2012

Fistal Cliff -or- Monday Morning

This morning riding into the office on my longboard I totally took a digger. I had a good speed cruising down the sidewalk when I hit one of those invisible cliffs hidden in the cobblestone sidewalk in front of the Starbucks at 18th and California (across from the Marriott). The board stopped dead at the cliff's intrusion and my body kept going at speed. Fortunately my training kicked in and I did a fancy roll, bounce, body slide thing across the pavement. I wasn't hurt but my briefcase went flying and lost one of it's little legs on impact(see pic). :( The board itself reversed course and went shooting backwards into the street where I narrowly rescued it (after picking myself up) from being run over by a big truck; at no small risk to life and limb.

But here's the deal - there was a lady walking down the street at the time and as I was falling, scraping and tumbling I could hear her exclaiming "Oh hey - wow!" and whatnot, and as I recovered myself in time to see the errant board breaking for freedom she says

"I hate it when that happens!" and then she just kept on going. Just kept on walking. Not that I expected anything from her because hey, that's life in the big city right? 

But friends, if you ever find yourself as a witness to a spectacular fail involving, flesh, pavement and wheeled conveyance do the humane thing. Don't JUST be a smart ass (a little smart assery is perfectly acceptable). Ask if everyone is ok. If you're feeling particularly jaunty maybe help a dude and chase the board as it rolls away - into the street full of traffic - or at least pretend to. Sometimes it's the little things you know? After all, it WAS Monday morning.

If I see that chick again on the street I'm going to growl at her.

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