Friday, March 30, 2012

So last night, I was at my computer browsing the online dating site OKCupid, and looking at my list of saved favorites when my son came up and asked what I was doing.

"Well son, I'm looking at this list of women that I will never date." I told him.

"Hmmm." He said. "They are pretty cute."

"Damn right!" I replied. "I've not gotten replies from some of the best!"

"So if you are never going to date them, why do you keep a list? And why are you always looking at it?" 

Poor kid, so young - he really has no idea of the angst lying in wait for his future self. 

So I thought I would "educate" him a bit, and I recited the Stephen Crane poem that ends with:

"Because it is bitter, and because it is my heart."

He just looked at me for a few beats. Horrified. Then he puts his hand on my shoulder and says

"I think you need a new shrink." And walks off.

Kid may have a point...

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