Friday, March 30, 2012


Last night, during the republican debates I heard Mitt Romney accuse Newt of being a 'Horn Tooter'. Which instantly brought to mind an image of Newt with a Vuvuzela*, and I realized thathere was a hitherto untapped milieu of subject matter from which one can derive insult and insinuation.

An entirely new landscape of offense has been exposed and I intend to mine this rich new world as much as my inner child will allow.

Fresh, fashionable insults like Triangle Tinkler, Tambourine Slapper, and Trombone Slider are now available, and that's just using the letter 'T'! 

Although some of these new insults, like Piccolo Puffer are rife with entendre and should probably be avoided. Same with Fife Blower.

So, to kick off this new endeavor I'd just like to say that I find this current crop of candidates to be a bunch of Drum Banging, Harp Plucking, Dulcimer Hammering, Kazoo Heezing, Mouth Harp Whatevering, Theremin Squealers!!!

Thanks Mitt! You made my day.

*Not altogether unlike the little statue of Moroni on top of every Mormon temple I've ever seen, but that's the subject matter for my next blog post: "Speaking of Horn Tooters."

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