Friday, March 30, 2012

Over the course of the last few months, I noticed that occasionally while I slept my office was getting trashed. Ink was spilled, paper was torn, trash was spread around - a total mess! At first I thought it was the pets, but was able to rule that out by closing the study door at night.

Well - turns out that it was my homunculus! He's a lycanthrope dammit! I picked him up at Cthulu Warehouse last year on sale (I know, I know), and I guess he was a juvenile at the time because he wasn't changing at first. I caught him red handed a couple of weeks ago - the ugliest squirrel you've ever seen - perched on my desk, stained tip to tail with blue ink, and eating the budgie (what a mess! feathers everywhere).

So my problem is this, if I lock him in a cage at night he makes the most horrible screeching, keening noise I've ever heard, and the children complain of nightmares. CW won't take him back, and I've gotten no hits on craigslist. I can't even drain his life force because I don't have the proper exsanguination rig, and honestly this feels creepy.

Does anyone out there live on a farm, or know of a mythical creatures sanctuary that would take him? I'm at my wits end!


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